Friday, May 30, 2014

World Cup 2014 1.0: Everyone's Teams and Odds (Updated)

The order is set. Here is where I will list everyone's teams and odds. I am ranking these from best to worst according to the odds, but weighing the top teams much heavier.

1. Ryan -
Brazil - 11:4
Colombia - 40:1
Ecuador 125:1
USA - 250:1

The guy who owns 2 houses and, like the Sterlings, refuses minorities at all of them, got Brazil. Colombia too, in case the home country wasn't good enough. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Of course.

2. Colin -
Argentina 4:1
Uruguay 28:1
Honduras 1500:1
Iran 2500:1

You get to root for Suarez and Messi. That's nice. One of the best draws in the group for the corporate fat cat. Damn.

3. Mike -
Spain 6:1
Netherlands 28:1
Japan 150:1
Ivory Coast 150:1

Hate this draw. Wish I would have just given you fake countries you've been to like Ghent. Spain really hurts on a personal level. Probably the only person with potential to get all 4 teams out of their groups. Another blow to Team Poor here.

4. Bobby -
Germany 6:1
Bosnia and Herz 150:1
Korea 250:1
Cameroon 750:1

Pretty much just pinning your hopes to ze Germans. I did this last year and suffered heartbreak. I can only hope you have the same result. They were young then though, so understandably they are a favorite.

5. Lorenzo -
Portugal 22:1
England 25:1
Mexico 200:1
Nigeria 300:1

Love having my brother from another mother Christiano on the team. Their odds are worse because of their group, but if they make it out of it, they have to be a favorite. Of course I got Mexico.

6. Josh -
Belgium 20:1
Russia 80:1
Algeria 1500:1
Australia 2500:1

The muscles from Brussels saved your draw. They are a sexy young team that experts like. Also have the best beer and JCVD.  I'm hoping to see some splits from those guys. Brian thinks Russia is a sleeper so there's that...

7. John -
France 22:1
Italy 25:1
Ghana 200:1
Costa Rica 2500:1

Well you get super Mario Bolatelli who is basically the Lance Stephenson of soccer so that's sweet. As in life, I would never trust the French. Need some luck to make a solid run.

8. Brian -
Chile 50:1
Switzerland 100:1
Croatia 175:1
Greece 200:1

Easily the worst draw with Chile your best shot. You should have just tried to go all Eastern Bloc. Or stayed employed. Didn't you see the guys with money get the good teams?

Worst of luck to everyone but me!