Sunday, July 16, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 King/Queen Odds Picks

     As stated in the video, here are everyone's picks including my wild choice as well as the odds they will be King/Queen by season's end:

Lorenzo - Cersei Lannister -300, Wild aka Olenna Tyrell +25000
Bobby - Theon Greyjoy +5000, Sansa Stark +2000
Josh - Tyrion Lannister +1200, Davos Seaworth +6600
Soder - Arya Stark +2000, Varys +6600
Colin - Jamie Lannister +2200, Gendry +1400
Devin - Jon Snow +600, The Night King +2000
Haley - Euron Greyjoy +2000, Bran or Benjen Stark +2000
Wong - Daenerys Targaryan +300, Petyr Baelish +1200

Enjoy the season!