Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ortiz and Manny Took Steroids

Well it looks like Mr. Blogged about this back in May and isn't surprised, blogged about this back in May and isn't surprised. Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz have just been found to be on the mysterious list of 104 players who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs back in 2003. Back in my piece about A-Rod coming back in May when he was found on the same list I said that Ortiz would eventually be found on the list and probably Manny too. Here is the direct quote I wrote back in May.
"Because now, Red Sox fans, the best player from your World Series teams has been suspended for using (performance enhancing drugs) and I am sure that he won't be the last player to be caught either. We all know Big Papi has shrunk since then. I wonder if he is on the same list as A-Rod was on with the other 100 people...hmm...maybe Manny too?"

Now to all the Red Sox fans out there, it has been confirmed. What we knew all along and you were afraid to hear is now out there for everyone to see. So now the two best players on your World Series teams in 2004 and 2007 tested positive for PEDs in 2003. Say what you want about the Yankees, but their two best players didn't juice to get it done. There is no cloud of suspicion over Bernie, Williams, Mariano, and el capitan Derek Jeter. The two championships the Red Sox won will now be known as the least legit of the last 50 years. I love it. Anytime you brag about having won these there will be an instant counterpoint that you could not have won without Manny and Ortiz juicing. I can use the very same counterpoint when you bring up A-Rod since two of your guys were on the SAME LIST.

The new age bash brothers, you can now compare these guys to Canseco and Mcgwire. Those championships are now tainted and you know what else? I'm not buying those magic eyedrops Ortiz took when he was sucking so bad this season and all of a sudden found his way again. It wouldn't surprise me if he was back on HGH. You could tell the guy was desperate to get back to where he was. Would it really surprise you? Does any of this news surprise you or does it just sting that those Red Sox teams will now be notorious for cheating their way to two championships?

One last thing I would like to say is that I believe this list should absolutely be revealed. I don't know how reporters are finding these names out one at a time, but it seems that the powers that be have a motive to release the big names one or two at a time in order to make news. The whole list should be revealed, which is something Red Sox fans might not have wanted before, but I believe we are on the same page now, no?


  1. I hope this is you trying to be controversial (good for blogging business) and ignoring what you know is true. No baseball fan should think that any World Series in the last 15-20 years is more legitimate than the other. But leave it up to a Yankee's fan to be nieve and point fingers. Way to cherry pick your "two best" players from the yankees. I hope for baseball's sake that Mo Rivera isn't on the list, but I bet you were happy to see Ortiz's name dropped.

  2. when ortiz came out before this year and said something along the lines of "when i've trained in the DR, i do not know what types of things my trainers gave me as far as supplements and/or creams...could it have been steriods? I suppose because they sell this type of stuff over the counter in the DR," it was the biggest red flag there could have been. ortiz was trying to cover his ass because he knew he was on this list. and why wouldnt manny be on it? who else...probably bill mueller, nomar, and gabe kapler.

    AROD is smiling...and banging kate hudson.

  3. definitely Gabe Kapler, have you seen that guy with his shirt off?

  4. Wrong...anonymous surveys among a company are to stay anonymous... no matter what the company is... would love to bang kate hudson

  5. if you are talking about the 104 player listing as the survey you it is only fair to just come out and SHOW THEM ALL. lawyers/insiders leaking them one and two at a time is not right. give the fans full disclosure on this one now.

  6. i concur doctor. show us the list.

  7. one said leaking was right... but if you take a survey at pwc and they tell you results will be anonymous and you say you banged 13 pwc employees and then some in HR sees that you have banged Amy and at this point you are scheming on Joan and the HR chick tells Joan you banged Amy, you think all 12 chicks remaining should be released to the general public?

  8. its like i am dealing with neanderthals

  9. this adam kid sounds emotional.

    and if just a few people on the list are getting porked...maybe in THIS SITUATION you pork them all. not saying all things need to play out that way but in this circumstance, i feel its the right thing to do for all parties involved. AROD deserves it just as much as papi and manny do too. tough call but with the mlb being such a public domain, maybe its time to disclose.

  10. Adam where do I begin? Your analogy with someone banging out women and taking steroids is terrible. You don't get suspended from an office job for banging employees. Sleeping your way to the top is something women have done for decades and one day I hope to do the same or let a girl fuck me for a raise of some sort. It;s the American Dream.

    My analogy would be when you're at the poker table. Your cards are for your eyes only, but if you show someone your cards it is now stated that you show everyone at the table. This list has now shown 3 of the biggest names out of the 104. Just because some of the other guys on the list are smaller fish is no reason why they shouldn't be given up as well.

    I agree with confidentiality, but everyone seems to have the key to the safe of Baseball's secrets. If pertinent information starts leaking out then open the floodgates. That includes you Barry...

  11. And yes Verdi I don't mind ruffling a few feathers in order to drum up activity.

  12. poker analogy is much worse and nowhere near as funny... i guess maybe you need websters help....Main Entry: anon·y·mous
    Pronunciation: \ə-ˈnä-nə-məs\
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Late Latin anonymus, from Greek anōnymos, from a- + onyma name — more at name
    Date: 1631
    1 : not named or identified
    2 : of unknown authorship or origin
    3 : lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizability

    fact of the matter is whether it is morally right or wrong is MOOT.... stop being clouded by your man love for AROD... check and mate


  13. A-Rod has nothing to do with my wanting this list publicized. If I heard about a list with 104 players testing positive for PEDs but it was anonymous, sure I would be curious, but I wouldn't clamor for the list to be publicized. I believe in confidentiality.

    This situation is different and has evolved into something that does not have a clear cut answer. We are now in the gray area of whether the names should be released or shouldn't be. I believe they should be because there are other names out there now.

    I wasn't even asking for the list when it was just A-Rod because it was just him and I figured it was some douche bag who had something to gain by putting his name out there, but now we have two more names and who knows how many names are just going to keep getting floated out one or two at a time. Just release them all.

    By the way Adam, your arguments and idea of funny is nowhere near where you think. You just come off condescending while not taking anyone else's opinion to heart so check and mate yourself.

  14. this isnt an opininated topic skylar... dont get mad and defensive cause you are wrong... if MLB releases all the names then what credibilty would they have going forward with the PA? you cant tell someone one thing than because winds have shifted and reneg on a promise... i applaud your efforts to try and make an appealing blog but if your going to be so thick headed as to say that i am close minded to your opinion when you clearly arent taking what i have to say to heart than who are you to talk? and lastly MLB doesnt owe you or any of the fans anything.... just so you know i am the noisiest person there is and would like to know those names more than the next guy... but that doesnt mean i should... and at this point, steriods issue is about as dead as this little debate

  15. What credibility does the MLB have now anyway? They have a whole era named the steroids era where everybody cheated and MLB turned a blind eye because chicks dig the long ball. They wouldn't be telling us what we don't already know which is that probably 90% of players back then took PEDs.

    Any of these shade balls finding out one player at a time just needs to get the whole list is what I'm saying. I know that MLB has nothing to gain from it, but it's going to be ridiculous if every few months another player is revealed from the list and that's the way it looks.

  16. Leave it up to the shade balls

  17. Does not tarnish the sox championships one bit. The entire league was juicing. Your really gonna be surprised if Bernie Williams was jucing? Or Tino Martinez/ Chuck Knoblauch (I think he may have already been caught ~ not sure) ? Your two best pitchers already got caught Pettite/Clemens so is your 2000/ 1999 titles tainted?

    Just looked at the 2000 roster (your last championship) Jason Grimsly and Canseco both on your roster... Was that championship tainted as well?

    I can't stand Canseco but its true guy has been spot on everything. He said 85% of baseball was on something, so I'm not tarnishing any championships regardless of which red sox/ yankees are on this list or get caught at somepoint. If the entire leagues juicing its an equal playing field for everyone. MLB drug testing was a joke. The only thing I'm really curious now is to see what they do Hall of Fame wise. (Although Canseco has claimed there are guys in the Hall that juiced).

    Anyways stop sipping on the Yankee Cool-aid, all of baseball was fucked up since the late 80s till the last couple of years. No championships are tainted, and if you still claim the Sox are tainted then you can make a point 4 of the Yankees championships are as well.

    And finally when the list does come out, I'm not going to be surprised at all on who is on it. That includes Albert Pul. and Derick Jeter. Smart thing to do right now is just come out and admit it Bronson Arroyo style.

  18. can't get enough of bronson now. been you tubing his music. its amazing what a confession will do for you.

  19. verd saying all publicity is good publicity?
