Friday, July 17, 2009

Ricky Rubio Update

Two. The number of fingers Ricky Rubio is holding up is probably the same number of years it will be before he comes over here (thumb doesn't count). Unfortunately it looks like the hope of bringing him into the NBA this season is fading. GM David Kahn is flying over to Spain to talk to Rubio's Euro Team, DKV, in hopes of lowering his buyout. What the hell is that gonna do? He's gonna go over there, not know anyone, and ask them to lower the buyout? Why would they? DKV wants him back more than they want the buyout and it looks like they will have him.

I've heard Kevin Love and Jonny Flynn talk about Rubio and they have convinced me that they can be a playoff team with him there. Minnesota has a good young core. Anchored by Big Al Jefferson, up and comer Love, and some nice role players. They could be the best passing team in the NBA in a few years as we all know Kevin Love's affinity for the outlet pass. It's just too bad it won't be this year. So how do I think this will all play out?

It's been said by sources close to Rubio's camp that Minnesota, although not where he would have liked to play, isn't the problem. The root of the problem is the high buyout, over $6 million. That factored in with him slipping to the 5th pick put him in a difficult position. The reason being because of the drop in money from the 3rd to 4th to 5th pick looks like the difference in him being able to pony up the buyout money.

There is a best case scenario, a worst case scenario, and what I ultimately think will happen, which no one has even talked about.

The best case scenario would be that he get traded to a bigger market. This would up his endorsements and give him more than enough money to pay the buyout this year, especially if it gets lowered somehow, maybe by the court. This doesn't seem likely, but he should still have enough money with the endorsements he could get now to pay off the buyout. This really shouldn't be such a big deal. So what? He might not be pulling in a million bucks his first year, but he will be one year closer to that second contract, not to mention he was only making like 100 grand for DKV. I don't know why that's not an option. Maybe Ricky was calling Minnesota's bluff to leverage a trade, but the T'Wolves aren't blinking.

The worst case scenario, and what a lot of people seem to think is the most likely, Ricky stays with DKV for two full years then comes over to Minnesota. The reason its two years is because the buyout will drop to zero by that time. Meanwhile you have Minnesota who has been developing Flynn for two years now as their starting PG. Where would Rubio fit in? You can't really give Ricky the starting job and he doesn't make sense coming off the bench. I guess you could try playing the both of them at the same time and see how that works...

The way I see this playing out is right in the middle of the best and worst case. I believe Ricky plays for DKV for one more season. His buyout goes down by a few million if he stays for one season and seems affordable enough. He really wants to play in the NBA and I don't think he can wait two years. He's an 18 year old kid living in the now generation. Honestly, I'm amazed he's not doing everything he can to raise that money this year. I'm also amazed that more people aren't talking about this as a possibility. Remember, you heard it here first!


  1. i've been hearing the reason khan thinks he might help be able to help in the buyout is because DKV is cash strapped and could seriously need money lowering the buyout to the $3-$4 million range isnt out of the question. rickie's (how i spell it for now on) gonna have enough endorsements to cover that and then he can get in the nba.

    skyler, lets not forget to mention that fact that khan used to work at a rather highly law firm, the same one that produced mr. david negotiations might be something he's handled before.

  2. I'm aware of all of that Gary, but the fact is that Khan has very little leverage. There's really nothing he can co personally. The team can only give 500k so he can't really say if you lower it to this amount Ricky (how it is spelled and should be spelled) will pay the rest because he doesn't know that.

    The buyout might get lowered from the fact that Ricky sued the team for the high buyout being disproportionate to his salary and it was expected to drop it to the 4 million range. I don't know if he has since dropped that case or not, but if anyone should be negotiating with DKV it's Ricky's agent, Dan Fegan.

  3. fegan the vegan isnt powerful enough...puts up a good front though by actually almost liking his players to stay international. either is khan. i'd rather see the sports guy be the twolves GM.

    you know telfair is praying this shit doesnt actually happen and he gets to try to play himself into another 3/4 yr contract some where else after the season without having to take his player option next year.

    i'd pay to see a scott boras crossover as a consultant on this

  4. ha...telfair just got traded.

    might be a sign of how they feel the this buyout might go. or they might really believe in bobby brown as their backup. i know where skyler stands on this

  5. ha if scott boras was involved he would make rubio sit out for a year and re-enter the draft unless minnesota traded him.

    As for Bill Simmons being GM i am in complete agreement. I think I might actually write a piece about that...

  6. Man I can totally see you writing this with tears coming down your face. Reason no one is speaking about this is because Rubio isnt even close to the best PG in the draft. Let him stay in Euro for the rest of his career. He doesnt want to go to Sota anyways its "too cold". Lets start talking about a real PG of the future in my boy Brandon Jennings.
