Thursday, June 3, 2010

World Cup 2010: Everyone's Teams and Odds

The teams have been picked so if you watched the video on the previous post then you know your teams at this point. Now I will post the list of everyones teams and the odds of them winning the world cup and winning their group. All the odds are taken from the World Sports Exchange. The first numbers next to the name are the odds of the team winning it all and the second number next to that are the odds that they win their group. Keep in mind, in order to advance to the second round a team does not need to win their group, but does need to finish in the top 2.

World Cup Winner Odds:

1. Brazil - 3:1
2. Spain - 4:1
3. England - 13:2
4. Argentina - 7:1
5. Netherlands - 13:1
T6. Germany - 14:1
T6. Italy - 14:1
8. France - 18:1
9. Portugal - 28:1
10. Ivory Coast - 30:1
11. USA - 50:1
12. Serbia - 60:1
T13. Chile - 66:1
T13. Mexico - 66:1
T15. Ghana - 80:1
T15. Paraguay - 80:1
17. Cameroon - 100:1
T18. Uruguay - 125:1
T18. Nigeria - 125:1
T20. South Africa - 150:1
T20. Australia - 150:1
T20. Denmark - 150:1
T20. Greece - 150:1
T24. Switzerland - 200:1
T24. South Korea - 200:1
26. Slovenia - 275:1
27. Slovakia - 300:1
28. Japan - 350:1
29. Algeria - 500:1
T30. Honduras - 750:1
T30. New Zealand - 750:1
T30. North Korea - 750:1

Here are the groups in the World Cup with their projected finish by the odds

Group A
1. France (1:1)
2. Mexico (3:1)
3. Uruguay (7:2)
4. South Africa (6:1)

Group B
1. Argentina (3:7)
2. Nigeria (9:2)
3. Greece (8:1)
4. South Korea (12:1)

Group C
1. England (1:3)
2. USA (4:1)
3. Slovenia (11:1)
4. Algeria (21:1)

Group D
1. Germany (4:5)
2. Serbia (10:3)
3. Ghana (14:3)
4. Australia (8:1)

Group E
1. Netherlands (4:7)
2. Denmark (17:4)
3. Cameroon (9:2)
4. Japan (14:1)

Group F
1. Italy (4:9)
2. Paraguay (10:3)
3. Slovakia (7:1)
4. New Zealand (45:1)

Group G
1. Brazil (4:7)
2. Portugal (11:3)
3. Ivory Coast (4:1)
4. North Korea (80:1)

Group H
1. Spain (4:15)
2. Chile (5:1)
3. Switzerland (12:1)
4. Honduras (33:1)

Rankings & Analysis:

In this section I'm going to list everyones teams with the odds of winning the world cup and the odds of winning their group next to that. Following that I will give your World Cup winning rank number and group number by adding up the ranks by odds of the 4 teams you have for both the world cup and group. (Example - person X has Netherlands, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Greece. Their odds on the world cup list has them at 5, 10, 15, and 20 respectively. I add those up and your number is 50. The lower the score the better. Think of it like a golf score. Group numbers will also be calculated with the best number you can get being a 4 (meaning all your teams are projected to win their group) and the worst being 16 (meaning all your teams are projected to come in last).

1. AJ -
1. England (13:2, 1:3)
2. Netherlands (10:1, 4:7)
3. France (18:1, 1:1)
4. Cameroon (100:1, 9:2)

World Cup Winning Score: 33
World Cup Group Score: 6

Definitely has the best chance to win this pool. Three teams in the top 8 for world cup odds with Cameroon as an outside shot playing on their continent. Looks like he will definitely have those three teams advancing in their groups into the second round with a very realistic chance for all four to do so. AJ continues to be the luckiest gambler I know.

2. Bobby -
1. Spain (4:1, 4:15)
2. Portugal (28:1, 11:3)
3. Serbia (60:1, 10:3)
4. Mexico (66:1, 3:1)

World Cup Winning Score: 36
World Cup Group Score: 7

All four of babydick's teams are projected to advance to the next round. Portugal might not though, sitting in the group of death with Brazil and Ivory Coast, a home favorite. If they do advance then they definitely have a good shot to win it all behind the leg of Christiano Ronaldo. Spain obviously is the favorite though and I have seen some sites project them as the favorite to win it all. Bobby and AJ are the luckiest people I know.

If you don't believe me with Bobby let me tell you a little story that might make you believe in his luck. When Bobby was just a little cucumber, he and his family went to some event that had a raffle. There were a few hundred people there and two of the prizes were soccer goals. Bobby bought two tickets for this raffle and not only did he win one of the soccer goals, oh no, but he won BOTH of them. The only way you can argue against Bobby's luck is to point to the baby carrot he calls a dick. That's your only argument. Is there a reason I always compare Bobby to phallic vegetables? I don't know, it just feels right.

3. Ryan -
1. Brazil (3:1, 4:7)
2. Italy (14:1, 4:9)
3. South Africa (150:1, 6:1)
4. Algeria (500:1, 21:1)

World Cup Winning Score: 56
World Cup Group Score: 10

Two powerhouses here including the favorite to win it all give Ryan a very good shot to win. Only two of his teams project to advance past the 1st round, but South Africa is the host country and host countries always seem to outperform where they are projected. He would be lucky to get three in the second round, but either way he will definitely get two and those two will be projected to go deep in the tournament.

4. Gary -
1. Argentina (7:1, 3:7)
2. Ghana (80:1, 14:3)
3. Greece (150:1, 8:1)
4. Switzerland (200:1, 12:1)

World Cup Winning Score: 63
World Cup Group Score: 10

Gary has what might be the most interesting team to watch this year with Argentina. They have what soccer people are calling the best player in the world hands down, Lionel Messi. When you have a guy that good then there really is no telling how good this team can be. The other three teams are not projected to advance, but I'm sure one of them will because they are all close 3rds in their groups. Messi should be a fun player to watch and Gary's hopes are really riding on him.

5. Lorenzo -
1. Germany (14:1, 4:5)
2. Nigeria (125:1, 9:2)
3. Slovakia (300:1, 7:1)
4. Honduras (750:1, 33:1)

World Cup Winning Score: 81
World Cup Group Score: 10

Germany is the lone powerhouse and only team I have that really has a legit chance of winning. A great pedigree and a history of thriving in the World Cup, Germany is always a feisty team that gives others headaches. I am comfortable knowing I have a team that can do that. Nigeria is projected to advance as well, but my hopes are dim for my others to make any noise, but at least with Germany I know I have a chance.

6. Mike -
1. Ivory Coast (30:1, 4:1)
2. Chile (66:1, 5:1)
3. Australia (150:1, 8:1)
4. Denmark (150:1, 17:4)

World Cup Winning Score: 63
World Cup Group Score: 11

Only one of your teams is projected to advance and it's your second best team, Chile. The problem is that Ivory Coast, a very good team, ranked at 10 in the odds, is in the group of death. Didier Drogba is an outstanding player and I believe they will beat Portugal out of that group of death with a crowd that will be behind them. If they move on, look out, because they instantly turn into one of the favorites. The thing is you could advance as little as one of your teams into the second round with an outside shot for all of them.

7. Brian -
1. USA (50:1, 4:1)
2. Uruguay (125:1, 7:2)
3. Japan (350:1, 14:1)
4. North Korea (750:1, 80:1)

World Cup Winning Score: 87
World Cup Group Score: 13

Oh Brian, you're such a patriot. The good ol USA looks like your only shot and believe me it's a long shot. The good part is that it looks like they will advance out of that group with England, but injuries have hurt them and they are not going into this full strength. Landon Donovan has really progressed as a player these last couple years so maybe instead of deferring to everyone else he will be the goal scorer they desperately need. Uruguay also has a chance to advance out of that group, but your Asian countries, much like your Asian eyes, have a very small squinty chance to do anything.

8. Josh -
1. Paraguay (80:1, 10:3)
2. South Korea (200:1, 12:1)
3. Slovenia (275:1, 11:1)
4. New Zealand (750:1, 45:1)

World Cup Winning Score: 95
World Cup Group Score: 13

Obviously the worst draw, which sucks because I know either you or I would be the most pissed about not having a good team to root for. Paraguay should advance to the second round, but it would be unlikely for any of your other teams to follow suit. Oh well, there's always World Cup 2014.

Announcement: New Rule
Some of you have inquired about an option to trade teams between each other. Listen, I am not against that because it's your own money at stake. If you would like to make a trade with another player in this pool, be my guest, however all trades, once accepted will then go to me. I will then have final say on whether it goes through or not, but I don't see myself rejecting anything as long as there was no foul play. I will post or send an email on any changes that happen to all of you. Have a nice day.


  1. Oh ya Drogba did break his arm. Welp they won't be making out of that group. More good news for Bobby who has Portugal

  2. Update: Drogba and now England's captain Rio Ferdinand both ruled out of the World Cup. The Drogba injury is more devastating.
