Tuesday, June 21, 2022

NBA Draft 2022 Top 3?


    Who you got?? The 2022 NBA Draft is in 2 days and the only sure thing seems to be a consensus of the top 3 guys to be selected. Jabari, Chet, then Paolo seem to be the order right now. You're here because you want to peer into my crystal balls? Well lucky for you I'm gonna give you a look into the future. One thing I can tell you is one of these guys does not belong with the other two. The other thing I can tell you is I don't think anyone in this draft will be as good as the giant baguette (a nickname I share) in 2023.

Chet Holmgren - I think he’s probably the best player in the draft. Dude is gonna get bitched around like AJ in the Shelby days, but I think he can be strong enough in a few years to handle contact. I hate to compare anyone to KD, but he does seem like he can be a less athletic version of him. My favorite thing about Chet, other than having the whitest name ever, is that he’s a high level competitor. That fire can carry him to great heights. The fact that he’s a two-way player will make him even more valuable in today’s NBA. Top-5 player? Highly unlikely. More like a top-20 player that will make a few all star teams starting in year 4 or 5. It might not seem like it now, but I think his offensive game is really going to show some versatility with NBA spacing and schemes. Maybe Jack Harlow will even write a song about him. Rating 92.

Jabari Parker - Every team can use a Jabari Parker. He’s a medium ceiling, high floor guy. The shooting is NBA-ready, combined with his height, length, and high shot release, there’s no reason he won’t be scoring 20 a game by year 2. If he was more explosive, I think he would be my top pick in the draft, but does seem to get slowed down around the rim and that’s going to be even more difficult in the league. Has All-star potential for sure, but might not put up numbers outside points and rebounds, so I don’t see him exceeding 3rd team NBA in his best season. And I don’t see him being the best player on a contender. But plug him in right now and he can be a solid starter with room to grow into a few All-star teams. Rating 90.

Paolo Banchero - Hello Melo. The first person I see when scouting Paolo is Melo, but a watered down version. If I was the next Chad Ford (my dream 15 years ago) and my reputation depended on stating the order from best to worst of Chet, Jabari, and Paolo, I think the top 2 would be close, but Paolo is a distant third. The NBA is finally appreciating 2 way players. Dudes that can actually defend. No more coveting guys that can make a bucket and give it up on the other end on the next possession. Paolo is crafty, but slow. The buckets he got in college are gonna be harder to translate than a guy like Jabari, who can shoot over anyone. He’s got a long, slow release. I would bet he never makes an All-star team, but can be a guy who can score 20 a game with no peripheral stats. I haven’t scouted the rest of the top guys yet, but I’m wondering if he should even be locked in at 3? I would make a heavy bet that he doesn’t finish as a top-3 guy from this draft. Rating 83.

1 comment:

  1. Chet- I’ve got to say the guys got a hell of a first name. Outside of that, no chance I’d draft him number 1. This guy has one of the worst bodies I’ve ever seen. I’d even prefer to have AJ’s body over this guys (Instagram smoke/mirrors AJ’s body not his real life body). This guy looks like a freak. You could give me Brunetti shoulders/Goldens hands/ Thopsey body hair/ Almeida’s nose and a 2006 Godino waistline and I still wouldn’t swap bods with him.

    I just don't think he’s got the body to hold up long-term. Therefore I do not see any All Star appearances for him. If he does happen to stay healthy could be a good starter / role player. I see him being more Andrea Bargnani than KD.

    Jabari Smith- I’m taking Jabari numero uno. Guy has basketball in his 23andme genes. Everyone talks about his dad being in the league, but I dig a little deeper. His cousin is Kwame Brown. He will be scoring close to 20 a game by year 2. Not only can this kid stroke it, he’s got that Bobby Thompson hustle/heart which I love. Hopefully the Magic who should pick him number 1 don’t ruin this guy who will be a future All Star. Also he’s over a year younger than Chet. This just seems like a no brainer pick for me.

    Paolo Banchero- Zoey calling this guy Melo. Must mean Fab Melo (RIP), I don’t see Carmello at all. I look at him and see Julius Randle. After studying 2 minutes of youtube highlights, I don’t see him being an effective outside shooter in the NBA with that jumper. Everyone keeps talking about this being a 3 player draft, I just don’t see it with Paolo. If he is still on the board at 3 (which according to my sources he will be). I would actually look to trade down.
