Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Movies for Kids

If there is one thing I don't get it's the demographic of these computer-animated movies or what I like to think of as modern day cartoon movies. Sure it's cool that kids these days don't have to watch movies that are physically drawn, but something weird is happening with these movies.
A friend of mine, in his mid 20s, told me he often watches these movies. He enjoys them. He doesn't have any kids. He watches these movies and his rationality was "there's adult humor in those movies too!" That's not good enough for me. If the problem was an isolated incident with him then I could live with it, but this is widespread. These movies are clearly being made for a demographic up to the ages of 18. The only people who should be seeing these movies that are over 18 are parents bringing their kids to the theaters. Yet there is a weird generation of 18-30 year olds who continue to watch these movies because "it's not just for kids". And these people can justify seeing any of these movies. "Well Shrek is just hilarious", "Wall-E is a very darrrrkkk movie", "Jerry Seinfeld is a voice actor in Bee Movie".
I just had a crazy thought. Instead of watching movies with some adult humor sprinkled in there so parents don't kill themselves watching about 8 of these movies a year, why not rent a movie made with ALL adult humor? I know it means you won't be able to relate to kids in elementary and middle school about the movies, but it's time to accept that you're kind of a tool and do something about it.


  1. WALL-E isn't a kids' movie. In fact it's routinely made the list of "animated movies for adults". Anyone that thinks that because a film is animated that it is only for children is blind, deaf, and dumb. What's the rationale for enjoying WALL-E? It's a good movie. Period. That's the only rationale anyone should ever need, no matter what kind of movie it is.

  2. Whoaaa looks like a Wall-E fanatic just stumbled on my blog. Now in my defense I have not seen this movie, (I would be kind of a hypocrite if I had after writing that earlier blog entry), however I can safely say most of the movies that are being made with computer animation has a much younger demographic in mind.
    With that being said, we can't put any faith in your word. I just clicked your profile and you have created a whole Wall-E fan page with all the latest info and pics of the movie. The fact that you even found my blog, probably just searching the word Wall-E leads me to believe that you are a little obsessive about that movie as well as the fact that you don't make a case for any other movies.
    You have piqued my interest a bit in this specific movie as I have heard similar rumblings of it being the most adult movie of this bunch, so perhaps I will Netflix it and share my thoughts. Your feedback is appreciated.

  3. By the way I just put WALL-E in my Netflix queue and the genre that it came up in was "Children & Family"...just sayin...

  4. Skyler Daniels, who would have thought writing about kids movies, would cause such uproar in the blogging community. This appears to be the result of a Wall-E fanatic, nevertheless, you are missing the bigger picture here: A) They look damn good in high definition and B) Its something watchable with your better half. Let me posit this as my final thoughts on the matter.

    What would you prefer, a movie staring John Leguizamo and Dennis Leary or an adaption of the latest Nicholas Sparks novel?…

  5. To answer your question Verd, neither.

  6. i just saw WALL-E the other night. I illegally downloaded it as I would never Netflix that movie. To be honest, I don't get what all the fuss was about. To me the movie was kind of boring and I can't see any kid wanting to watch it again. I certainly will not.

  7. ^---- that wasn't very smart

  8. this coming from the kid who was obsessed with pok-e-mon still he was done with college. also, the person who commented on this post first...just read the name...sounds likes he/she is an anime fan anyway.

    garys thoughts: a good pixar or disney movie never hurts esp with what verd said...the other half. they love it. i enjoyed a few of these in my day.
