Friday, May 8, 2009

A-Rod is Back!

And boy do we need him. People are already writing off the Yankees, but they have been without their best player. Man I love this guy. Handsome, charming, Spanish. He's like me, but with talent. You either love this guy or hate him passionately. And the Manny news couldn't have come at a better time either because now, Red Sox fans, the best player from your World Series teams has been suspended for using and I am sure that he won't be the last player to be caught either. We all know Big Papi shrunk since then. I wonder if he is on the same list as A-Rod was on with the other 100 people...hmm...maybe Manny too? Too bad we all might be cheated from seeing Manny roll around in the outfield playing hide and seek with the baseball in the next 50 games, but I digress.

It's too bad Posada just went out. I really want to see the Yankees with everyone in the lineup for once. I do wonder how A-Rod is gonna perform in his first week back. I mean you hear good things about him in the minors so far, but the level of competition is just a liiiittle different. I'm also looking for Teixeira to heat up soon now that we are past April and he is a notoriously slow starter. The Red Sox might be a better team right now, but I still believe the Yankees have more upside going forth the rest of the year. That's the fun of it though. We can argue back and forth all year, but there will be an answer in October, and the answer will be wearing pinstripes...


  1. Not with that bullpen. You always seem to underestimate how teams that win or go deep always have a deep bullpen, defense, and depth (none of which NY has).

  2. He looked pretty good last night. First at bat, 3 run homerun and CC pitched a shutout. Things are starting to look up.

  3. Yankees are 8-2 since Alex came back. Meanwhile Big Crapi has been benched after the worst batting line I have ever seen (0-7 4ks 12 left on base)

  4. AROD: prolific, handsome, and successful. BOOOOOOM!
