Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One Final Adam Lambert Note

I know this is old news, but I would just like to say for the record,

I voted for Adam Lambert. Nothing against Kris Allen, but Lambert

is the most talented person they have had on the show, though he

did scream a bit much. After the competition iTunes released some

song from a musical that Lambert was in about a year back. It was

the Ten Commandments Musical starring Val Kilmer aka Iceman.

What?!? Yes his career has clearly fallen off. Funny tangent about

Iceman here that I am taking from Bill Simmon's latest column on


"Anyway, there was a really funny moment at a Lakers game. Near

the end of a third-quarter timeout, the camera caught Val Kilmer

and three of his chins on the JumboTron, punctuating the moment

by playing "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins. You know, a Thursday

that could have only happened"Top Gun" homage. He took a

second or two to get the joke, then unleashed one of those "Very

funny, you got me, just know that I'm on a lot of meds right now"

smiles. And this would have been enjoyable on its own, but they

cut to someone else in the stands. ...

That's right. ...

Tom Cruise!

He caught on a little quicker and did the Tom Cruise Over-Laugh.

And this would have been great on its own, but the Lakers

pushed it to another level: They went split-screen with Kilmer

and Cruise with "Danger Zone" still blasting. As far as I was

concerned, this was the most emotional reunion in Lakers

history. Cruise kept laughing; Kilmer looked mildly perturbed.

(After all, he's an actor, dammit! That was 23 years ago!

He's made a lot of movies since then!) At this point, I was

praying they'd cut to Anthony Edwards in Section 312 but he

wasn't there. Still, I couldn't have enjoyed the sequence any

more, and it dwarfed the remainder of the game for me.

Can you top seeing Mav and Ice reunited on a JumboTron?

I don't know. But here's what I do know: This could only

happen at a Lakers game."

Anyway I found the video performance of this solo Adam

Lambert did in the play and it was incredible. His voice is

one of the best I have ever heard. The high notes he can

hit, the power of his voice to continue a note and the

control he has is amazing. You really need to check

this clip out. It's about 4 minutes, but if you can't bear it

(although you should try because it's all good) the 2:50

mark is when he really shows what he can do. I promise

you will be blown away. Latest news I'm hearing is that

Queen is considering asking him to be their new front

man. I hope that doesn't happen. I would rather see him

go solo and work with people who know how to contain

that massive voice and turn it into some kind of catchy

pop music. As JT would say, Queen is dead and gone,

dead and gonnneeeee oooOOOooo.


  1. for some reason the blog is fucking with me and not letting me post this in all one readable color and I can't fix it so you will have to make due. Sorry

  2. http://interverd.blogspot.com/2009/05/screaming-not-pride.html

  3. yea the previously coloring of your post was very amateurish...

    ODOM gonna kill it tonight again and get the lakers the series.

    skyler loves the birdman...esp the hair-do

  4. leave it up to Lambert to fuck up the uniformity of your blog
