Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stalking Now Socially Acceptable

We now live in a society where stalking someone is socially acceptable. I speak of Twitter of course and all the twitter-similars out there. On Twitter you 'follow' people. There are people following you. There is definitely an underlying element of some stalkage there. People enjoy it though. They want plenty of stalkers, oh excuse me, 'followers'. They want people to know what they are doing now every hour of the day. I think a few years ago if you asked someone every hour what they were doing they would call you a stalker and give you a restraining order. Now if you ask someone what they are doing every hour they would call you a 'follower' and give you a website.
So for anyone who ever wanted to multi-stalk this is the perfect option. No more following people around town while they do errands. You can stalk from the comfort of your own home! The only logical next step seems to be that everyone has a streaming web cam in their room so anyone can watch them in a voyeuristic setting...wait I might be onto something here. Have I just stumbled on the next multi-million dollar idea?? I think I have to tweet about this...

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