Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ortiz and Manny Took Steroids

Well it looks like Mr. Blogged about this back in May and isn't surprised, blogged about this back in May and isn't surprised. Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz have just been found to be on the mysterious list of 104 players who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs back in 2003. Back in my piece about A-Rod coming back in May when he was found on the same list I said that Ortiz would eventually be found on the list and probably Manny too. Here is the direct quote I wrote back in May.
"Because now, Red Sox fans, the best player from your World Series teams has been suspended for using (performance enhancing drugs) and I am sure that he won't be the last player to be caught either. We all know Big Papi has shrunk since then. I wonder if he is on the same list as A-Rod was on with the other 100 people...hmm...maybe Manny too?"

Now to all the Red Sox fans out there, it has been confirmed. What we knew all along and you were afraid to hear is now out there for everyone to see. So now the two best players on your World Series teams in 2004 and 2007 tested positive for PEDs in 2003. Say what you want about the Yankees, but their two best players didn't juice to get it done. There is no cloud of suspicion over Bernie, Williams, Mariano, and el capitan Derek Jeter. The two championships the Red Sox won will now be known as the least legit of the last 50 years. I love it. Anytime you brag about having won these there will be an instant counterpoint that you could not have won without Manny and Ortiz juicing. I can use the very same counterpoint when you bring up A-Rod since two of your guys were on the SAME LIST.

The new age bash brothers, you can now compare these guys to Canseco and Mcgwire. Those championships are now tainted and you know what else? I'm not buying those magic eyedrops Ortiz took when he was sucking so bad this season and all of a sudden found his way again. It wouldn't surprise me if he was back on HGH. You could tell the guy was desperate to get back to where he was. Would it really surprise you? Does any of this news surprise you or does it just sting that those Red Sox teams will now be notorious for cheating their way to two championships?

One last thing I would like to say is that I believe this list should absolutely be revealed. I don't know how reporters are finding these names out one at a time, but it seems that the powers that be have a motive to release the big names one or two at a time in order to make news. The whole list should be revealed, which is something Red Sox fans might not have wanted before, but I believe we are on the same page now, no?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ricky Rubio Update

Two. The number of fingers Ricky Rubio is holding up is probably the same number of years it will be before he comes over here (thumb doesn't count). Unfortunately it looks like the hope of bringing him into the NBA this season is fading. GM David Kahn is flying over to Spain to talk to Rubio's Euro Team, DKV, in hopes of lowering his buyout. What the hell is that gonna do? He's gonna go over there, not know anyone, and ask them to lower the buyout? Why would they? DKV wants him back more than they want the buyout and it looks like they will have him.

I've heard Kevin Love and Jonny Flynn talk about Rubio and they have convinced me that they can be a playoff team with him there. Minnesota has a good young core. Anchored by Big Al Jefferson, up and comer Love, and some nice role players. They could be the best passing team in the NBA in a few years as we all know Kevin Love's affinity for the outlet pass. It's just too bad it won't be this year. So how do I think this will all play out?

It's been said by sources close to Rubio's camp that Minnesota, although not where he would have liked to play, isn't the problem. The root of the problem is the high buyout, over $6 million. That factored in with him slipping to the 5th pick put him in a difficult position. The reason being because of the drop in money from the 3rd to 4th to 5th pick looks like the difference in him being able to pony up the buyout money.

There is a best case scenario, a worst case scenario, and what I ultimately think will happen, which no one has even talked about.

The best case scenario would be that he get traded to a bigger market. This would up his endorsements and give him more than enough money to pay the buyout this year, especially if it gets lowered somehow, maybe by the court. This doesn't seem likely, but he should still have enough money with the endorsements he could get now to pay off the buyout. This really shouldn't be such a big deal. So what? He might not be pulling in a million bucks his first year, but he will be one year closer to that second contract, not to mention he was only making like 100 grand for DKV. I don't know why that's not an option. Maybe Ricky was calling Minnesota's bluff to leverage a trade, but the T'Wolves aren't blinking.

The worst case scenario, and what a lot of people seem to think is the most likely, Ricky stays with DKV for two full years then comes over to Minnesota. The reason its two years is because the buyout will drop to zero by that time. Meanwhile you have Minnesota who has been developing Flynn for two years now as their starting PG. Where would Rubio fit in? You can't really give Ricky the starting job and he doesn't make sense coming off the bench. I guess you could try playing the both of them at the same time and see how that works...

The way I see this playing out is right in the middle of the best and worst case. I believe Ricky plays for DKV for one more season. His buyout goes down by a few million if he stays for one season and seems affordable enough. He really wants to play in the NBA and I don't think he can wait two years. He's an 18 year old kid living in the now generation. Honestly, I'm amazed he's not doing everything he can to raise that money this year. I'm also amazed that more people aren't talking about this as a possibility. Remember, you heard it here first!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A look ahead to the 2010 NBA Draft

It's never to early to look at a preview for next year's draft. The 2010 draft will be a much stronger draft than the past one because the incoming freshman class is a good one and many of them are expected to be one and done. There are also a lot of blue chip soon to be sophomores that stayed in school when they could have been lottery picks this year. In this piece I am going to look at what might be next year's top five players eligible for the 2010 NBA Draft.

1. John Wall PG 6-4 182 lbs Kentucky Fr. - Consensus seems to be that he is the leading candidate to be the number one pick next year. He will most certainly be one and done for Coach Calipari. A point guard with elite athleticism that allows him to make plays in transition very well, whether it's going to the rim or finding an open teammate. He is still a raw player and he is going to have to work on polishing his game on the college level. This kid could be the reason Kentucky is in the championship hunt again.

2. Ed Davis PF 6-9 225 lbs UNC So. - If Davis came out this year most scouts believe he would have went right after Blake Griffin at number two. He opted to stay in school and I think he made a good decision because he did not get enough minutes to get that confidence you need. Will be a premier big man next year with Hansbrough gone and a very likely top 5 pick.

3. Greg Monroe PF 6-11 250 lbs Georgetown So. - Monroe is a player I had the chance to watch a in a few games last season. Right when you see him you can see he oozes with potential. He was a little thin last year coming in to his freshman year, but he showcased a lot of skills and post moves. Not a typical back to the basket type of PF. He has plenty of face up moves and if he improves his strength he will be a top 5 pick.

4. Donatas Motiejunas PF 7-0 220 lbs Lithuania 18 - The next big-time European prospect is this guy. Fluent in English already, his game is developing very nicely. He is playing against a lower level of competition however scouts compare him to Toni Kukoc. Has a certain cockiness that helps and hurts him. Doesn't always have his motor going at full speed, but if he continues to improve he will be a surefire lottery pick next year.

5. Derrick Favors PF 6-9 215 lbs Georgia Tech Fr. - Ultra athletic, but a bit raw on offense, Favors is another kid with lots of upside. His defense his ahead of his offense right now, but he will still score plenty in college just from his athleticism. Will be teamed up with Gani Lawal at Georgia Tech and should get plenty of minutes. If his offense progresses then he will have a serious shot of being taken number one next year.

One more player I wanted to touch on briefly is a kid making a lot of noise in high school. He is only going into his junior year, but it seems that people think he is the best player in high school already. Mike Gilchrist is making serious waves as the number one player in the 2011 class. At 6-7 185 he will project as a SF. His game is already polished and seems like he can do everything well. You may not hear about him for a while, but he is a kid to keep your eye on when he comes to college.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Draft Grades: Winners and Losers

The 2009 Draft is all wrapped up. It was a strange day and you could feel it. I got word of MJ's passing about 20 minutes before the draft. I don't want to get into a long thing with that subject, but he will be missed.

So we now get to the draft. It featured a lot of trades and a lot of picks that I am upset about. Too many of these players got drafted to a team that can't really help them reach their full potential because of the situations around them. One is surely Ricky Rubio (pictured above). So now I will give each team a letter grade for their draft. Note that I won't be counting any of the trades of the night unless they revolved around draft picks.

Atlanta - B+
Jeff Teague 19th overall
Sergei Gladyr 49th overall
Jeff Teague is a good fit for Atlanta. An uptempo team that likes to run. This kid has an explosive first step and is very quick. He is still young and will need to grow into the role, but getting him at 19 was good value. As for Gladyr, well we won't really know for a few years, so it would be dumb for me to even try and project him.

Boston - C+
Lester Hudson 58th overall
This was their only pick. A guy who played well in college, but is quite old. We'll see if he makes the roster.

Charlotte - B+
Gerald Henderson 12th overall
Derrick Brown 40th overall
I think Gerald Henderson will be a good fit for them. They have a hole at 2 guard and he is a great athlete that can contribute right away. Derrick Brown at 40 is good value. Another explosive athlete that could be a good off the bench guy if he can make hustle plays. Solid picks for the Bobcats.

Chicago - C-
James Johnson 16th overall
Taj Gibson 26th overall
I wasn't a big James Johnson fan coming into the draft, but at 16 it could pay off. He was a good player at Wake, but I don't think he has the work ethic to follow up on his talent. At 26 im baffled on how they passed up DeJuan Blair for the second time and took Taj Gibson. A pretty raw kid who can really only block shots. Don't they already have that in Ty Thomas? Both picks to me are questionable.

Cleveland - C
Christian Eyenga 30th overall
Danny Green 46th overall
Emir Preldzic - 57th overall
Very surprised by the first round pick of Eyenga here. With all the guys that were on the board that could have potentially came in and contributed this year they chose an overseas project? Hated that pick. Danny Green is saving their draft grade and he is a solid 2nd round pick. I don't even know the other guy they took, but he will probably never play for them.

Dallas - C+
Rodrique Beaubois 25th overall
Nick Calathes - 45th overall
Ahmad Nivins - 56th overall

This grade would have been much higher of the Mavs hang on to BJ Mullens at 24. To trade him for some French PG with some upside was awful. Beaubois will never be good. he has no basketball IQ. They had the big stuffed panda at the carnival and traded it for a goldfish in a bag. I am really happy they got Calathes and I hope he will come play for them right away. He was the guy I thought they would be targeting with their first round pick. Ahmad Nivins isn't a bad choice there either.

Denver - A-

Ty Lawson 18th overall

I think this pick has good value. He can be a good back up to Chauncey on a team with good veteran leadership. This will be a good situation for him and kudos to Denver for trading for him here.

Detroit - B-
Austin Daye 15th overall
DaJuan Summers 35th overall
Jonas Jerebko 39th overall

Another instance where I like the second rounders better than the first. I think Austin Daye is a bust and was a major reach here. Terrible value. DaJuan Summers is a solid 2nd round pick who will find a spot on the roster. Jonas Jerebko is a guy I like a lot for the future and Detroit did a good job of getting him here.

Golden State - B+
Stephen Curry 7th overall

I love Steph Curry. I am going to assume for the time being that they drafted him and are keeping him. We know what he can do and I think having him and Monta Ellis can work for the offense. The defense will get killed however the Warriors don't pride themselves on their D so Curry fits their philosophy well.

Houston - A-
Jermaine Taylor 32nd overall
Sergio Llull 34th overall
Chase Budinger 44th overall
All second round picks from Houston and I like them all. Taylor was a guy that I thought was going to creep into the first round but he didn't and the Rockets capitalize on a guy that can really score the ball. Sergio Llull is apparently a pretty good player for Spain and in a few years could really return big on their investment. Budinger was one of the surprises of the draft slipping this far, but Houston scoops him up. If nothing else the guy can shoot and I think that all these guys will make their roster.

Indiana - C
Tyler Hansbrough 13th overall
AJ Price 52nd overall

Tyler Hansbrough is not a lottery pick. I repeat, Tyler Hansbrough is not a lottery pick. With all the good point guards still left on the board and with Jarrett Jack leaving I thought this was an easy decision. Whatever, they take the goofy white kid and he will be an 8th man. Great work. AJ price might or might not make the roster but was all that was really left at this point of the draft.

LA Clips - A-
Blake Griffin 1st overall

No brainer here by the Clippers. Now if they could only get some sucker to take on a couple of those bad contracts in their front court, Blake would be assured 35 minutes a game. I gave them an A minus because it was their only pick and even Josh Golden (known for saying the 2000 draft was the best ever) would have taken him here.

LA Lakers - C+
Chinemelu Elonu 59th overall
Chime...China, Chine? Oh for god sake I can't say his name and thats what popped out when I tried. I give Lakers a C+ for reasons unknown.

Memphis - B
Hasheem Thabeet 2nd overall
Demarre Carroll 27th overall
Sam Young 36th overall

I have mixed feelings on Thabeet at 2nd. They kind of had to take him when Rubio told them to fuck off. He probably won't live up to the #2 pick, but he can play D. I like their other picks though. Demarre Carroll was something of a sleeper in this draft and he can turn out pretty decent. Same for Sam not so Young who happens to be 24.

Miami - C
Patrick Beverly 42nd overall
Robert Dozier 60th overall
Two second round picks. I mean, we will see if either make the roster and stick for the year but I wouldn't count on it.
Milwaukee - C
Brandon Jennings 10th overall
Jodie Meeks 41st overall

Man do I hate Brandon Jennings. Gets picked 10th and comes out on the 14th pick. I guess the Bucks feel like they have their PG of the future. They will be sadly mistaken, but then again that's why they are the Bucks. I like Jodie Meeks here. He can be a scorer off the bench for them and should fit in nicely here.

Minnesota - C
Ricky Rubio 5th overall
Jonny Flynn 6th overall
Wayne Ellington 28th overall
Henk Norel 47th overall

Obviously I have a lot to say about Minnesota. I can't fault them for taking Rubio. He was by far the best player on the board. Then they took Flynn with the very next pick? Makes no sense at all. He didn't trade one of them and is denying any interest in doing so. Perplexing really. So now they have Rubio threatening to not play for them. They have to trade him and we will see what they can get back for him. Wayne Ellington was a good value pick for the wolves at 28 and we'll see with Henk Norel.

New Jersey - A-
Terrence Williams 11th overall

Love this pick for New Jersey. Williams is a guy that will go well with that young nucleus they have now. An unselfish player, Williams will be a great glue guy that I believe his teammates will learn to like a lot. Happy they didn't reach for Hansbrough here and make the right choice.

New Orleans - C
Darren Collison 21st overall
Marcus Thornton 43rd overall

A little confused as to why New Orleans drafted to small guards when BJ Mullens and DeJuan Blair were on the board at 21. Collison will be a solid back up for Chris Paul, but he's only gonna play like 10 minutes a game. You could have found guys like that in the second round without the three year commitment. I like Marcus Thornton, but I don't know how many minutes he will get with this team.

New York - A-
Jordan Hill 8th overall
Toney Douglas 29th overall

I think New York got a good player at 8 with Jordan Hill. If they indeed don't have the ponies to resign David Lee then Hill is a necessary replacement. I have a strong belief that he can strive in D'Antoni's system with his great motor. Toney Douglas at 29 was a solid pick as well. he will provide some much needed D to that team and a back up to Duhon.

Ok City - B+
James Harden 3rd overall
BJ Mullens 24th overall
Robert Vaden 54th overall

I think Oklahoma did ok in this draft. I would have loved to see Rubio in that backcourt with Westbrook, but apparently Westbrook, who just finished his rookie season bitched around the GM into making sure he didn't take a PG. Harden is a good fit for them, but he does lack the star quality that Rubio has. Mullens at 24th in the draft is a really good spot for him. He is a boom bust type and there is very little risk at pick 24. Oh and Robert Vaden is ok.

Orlando Magic - Incomplete

Did not have any picks.

Philadelphia - B+
Jrue Holliday - 17th overall

I am partial to Eric Maynor as I thought he would have been a perfect fit for them, but I can't argue too much with Holliday. His value was just too much for them to pass up here and I think they made a good pick by getting a PG they need when Andre Miller bolts.

Phoenix - B+
Earl Clark 14th overall
Taylor Griffin 48th overall

Earl Clark is a really good fit for the Suns here. He possesses a lot of talent and I can see him putting up some good numbers in the uptempo offense in Phoenix. Not to mention all the great passes he will be getting from Nash. Taylor Griffin at 48 is alright too i guess.

Portland - C+
Victor Claver 22nd overall
Dante Cunningham 33rd overall
Patrick Mills 55th overall

I don't know why the Blazers continue to stockpile draft picks. They have enough guys on that roster that I could see both 2nd round picks getting cut. I'm not too fond of either of them. Claver is a good pick there as you can stash him in Spain for a few years, but Portland needs to relax.

Sacramento - D
Tyreke Evans 4th overall
Omar Casspi 23rd overall
Jon Brockman 38th overall

Sacramento is going to look back at that 4th pick and realized they passed on a premier point guard for a guy that they thought could play PG but cannot. Evans might be an ok player, but to pass on Rubio, a guy that wanted to play for you, it's insane. It's no wonder why you had the worst record in the league this year. Your front office is just trying to save their jobs with a quick fix this year but all you are doing is tarnishing your reputation. As for the other two picks, whatever.

San Antonio - A
DeJuan Blair 37th overall
Jack McClinton 51st overall
Nando De Colo 53rd overall

Of course the Spurs had the best draft without needing a first round pick. DeJuan Blair inexplicably slides all the way to them at 37. Unbelievable. Steal of the draft easy. Then they follow up with two solid picks in the 50s. This is why they have been good for so long.

Toronto - B+
Demar DeRozan 9th overall

Toronto gets their guy at 9. I feel it's a good spot for him and the Raptors really needed at 2 guard. Derozan has a lot of potential and will be a good fit for their system. Besides you never doubt the Colangelos when it comes to the draft.

Utah - A-
Eric Maynor 20th overall
Goran Suton 50th overall

I love their Eric Maynor pick. It's a good idea to have an insurance policy for Deron Williams what with his injury last year. This kid can step in and be a great backup right now. Good fit for him although I would have liked to see him in a situation where he could have got more minutes. Goran Suton is a throwaway pick to me.

Washington - Incomplete

Did not have any picks.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen Review

Here we are with the much awaited sequel of Transformers coming out today. Saw this movie with Sunshine and Bobby today in the IMAX theater. Let me just say that the IMAX theater screen is huge. It is so big that you physically have to swivel your head from left to right to see the whole picture. The sound is quite amazing as well. This is a movie that takes advantage of it big time and I suggest seeing it in the IMAX setting. Trust me it's worth the extra 3 bucks.

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen starts off with Sam Witwicky (Shia Labeouf) going off to college. He and Michaela (hot ass Megan Fox) are dating now and he's moving out of his parent's place and into some school where everybody looks like a model. Let me start by getting into the cast.

I'm a big Shia Labeouf fan. He was the perfect fit for the first one and although he is good in this one, I feel as though he didn't have enough funny parts and was mostly surrounded by action scenes. This baffles me as you would think there would be plenty of time for his quirky humor in a movie that runs two and a half hours long (I know right?). A very small thing to complain about, but I feel as though it would have given the movie a bit more substsance.

Then there's Megan Fox (pictured above). Oh my dear god this girl is too hot to be in movies. I don't know if i have ever said that about anybody before but she really is distractingly hot. Every time she was on screen I couldn't concentrate on anything else going on in the movie. She even has these baywatch type moments of her just running in a tank top. Truly breathtaking.

Shia's college roommate played a big role and he was pretty damn funny. Shia's parents in the movie had an increased role in the comedy, especially the mother who actually surprised me with some laughs. There was one girl that Shia meets at college that was drop dead gorgeous as well (you will know her when you see her). Last there is John Tuturro who played the sector 7 guy in the last one. He is funny as usual. I love him in everything he does, even those Heineken commercials that don't make too much sense. It made me wanna drink a Heineken (though he has nothing on the Dos Equis guy aka the most interesting man in the world).
The movie is filled with action from beginning to end. The story is kind of shallow and loses some points for me, but watching some of the action in this movie is marvelous. A scene comes to mind with the transformers fighting in the woods. Imagine watching a transformer take up all of an 80 foot screen battling each other, easily my favorite part. Michael Bay really knows how to create an action movie.

The bad parts of the movie, and there were bad parts was that there was no character development at all. If you haven't seen the first one you will be lost with who everyone is. Also some of the new characters really just made a negative impact to me. A transformer seductress? Come on man that's lame and felt like a plot hole to me. Also I don't like these new transformers that speak ebonics and are plainly stupid. The story left a lot to be desired.

My final thoughts were that even though the story wasn't the best, the movie entertained me all the way through. The action scenes were epic and you can never have enough Megan Fox. The bottom line is if you liked the first Transformers then you will like this one. The first one was better because the story was better and had a deeper character development (obviously, it was the first one). It's hard to make a sequel better than or even as good as the first one. This one is truly a popcorn flick that should keep you entertained. If you don't get into it then just enjoy the Megan Fox scenes. My final grade is a 7.5 out of 10.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NBA Draft: Top 20 and Busts

With the 2009 NBA Draft coming up I have decided to make a bold move and rank the top 20 players in the draft as I see them turning out 3-5 years from now. Obviously there is a great margin for error here as there will be some guys who just don't have the desire to reach their full potential and then there will be some guys who overachieve and work so hard that the eye test would have never foreseen their success. It happens every year. Another big variable is what team a player gets drafted by and what a coaching staff can do to really exact a player's maximum abilities. So as I publish this list I know there will be instances when it will come back to bite me, however I will do my best to nail it. Let's begin...

1. Blake Griffin - This one is a no-brainer. A can't miss prospect that will put up 20-10 in his prime, which isn't too for away. He's got the athleticism, skills (though he will need to work on his jump shot and post moves), and the drive to be the best.

2. Ricky the Spanish Sensation Rubio - This one to me is pretty easy as well. This kid will be a franchise point guard. He needs to get bigger and work on his shot, but this kid is a phenom who is more NBA ready than people think. The fact that he might not be a top 3 pick in this shitty draft is beyond me. It reminds me of when Atlanta somehow thought Chris Paul wasn't going to be great and he slipped to 4th. Someone is making a mistake.

3. Stephen Curry - Ok I have to admit I really struggled with who to put here. I think there's a huge gap between Rubio and the next guys. Curry definitely reminds me a little of a smaller Reggie Miller with adequate point guard skills. Without teams gameplanning around him he will be able to get his shot off more easily. If he lands in the right situation and the team allows him to grow into the PG role then he can end up the 3rd best player in the draft.

4. Jordan Hill - A big man in a draft devoid of them. I think Hill can develop into a pretty good PF in the league. He's got a motor and the work ethic to succeed. He still has a lot of potential as he started the game late. Besides 6'10" guys that can score the basketball don't grow on trees.

5. BJ Mullens - This one might surprise people, but I see a very good future for him if a team drafts him as a project and gives him a few years to develop. He can shoot the ball out to 20 feet at 7'1"! He can move extremely well for his size and has tons of potential. If he stayed in school he more than likely would have been a top 5 pick in next years draft. This is one pick I make that I will either never hear the end of or was right on with.

6. Hasheem Thabeet - Thabeet is going to be a good defensive player, there's no doubt about that. At 7'3" with that wingspan he will block a lot of shots. I don't think he will ever develop an offensive game which is why he falls here. Reminds me of Samuel Dalembert and I think his career will resemble it as well.

7. Johnny Flynn - A guy I liked a lot in college, but didn't think would go this high. I guess you could say that about a lot of the guys in the lottery. Flynn has a lot of heart though. He can get to the basket and finish above the rim. I think he can be a lower end starting PG, but he is a little small...

8. James Harden - I'm not too crazy about Harden. I saw some of his games in college when he played well, but I can't seem to shake his performance in the NCAA tournament. It was awful. He looked sluggish on a court with collegiates. Not a good sign. He's a SG who won't blow by you and I think he is going to have serious trouble getting his shot off in the NBA, but he is a smart kid. He needs to start watching film of Paul Pierce and emulating it because that will be his best chance of success.

9. Terrence Williams - Here is a guy that really has the tools to succeed at the next level. Great athlete with a versatile game. His shooting, while not very good, has improved every year in school which leads me to believe that he can get it to an adequate level in the NBA. Also can defend 2 or 3 positions and defend them well. He has a skill set that shows me he can be a top 10 guy in this draft.

10. Demar Derozan - A gifted athlete, Derozan's game is far from complete. The college 1 year rule really helped a guy just like this. Someone who did very little in the beginning of the year, but turned it on at the end. It seemed like it started to click. The kid is a natural 2 guard with a decent J and the ability to blow by opponents. Demar has a high ceiling. I think he will either become a solid starting 2 guard or a 7th or 8th man in a spark plug role. It's up to him to see how good he wants to be.

11. Eric Maynor - A kid I have featured in my undervalued piece. I am putting him above a lot of other so called point guards that are ranked higher by most. I really do like this kid though. This kid is a natural point guard and at 6'3" he has the size to play it in the NBA although he needs to bulk up. A very high basketball IQ, I think he can come into a good situation and hit the ground running. I see him turning into a starting PG in the league with the pure ability to make his teammates better with his vision.

12. Earl Clark - I had a hard time deciding where to put him. On talent alone he would be in the top 5 in this draft. On work ethic and intensity he might not be in the top 20 at all. It's hard to say though because his numbers were good at Louisville and I am wondering if he just got a bad rap in college because he doesn't show that tenacity outwardly. Some people say he's so talented that his numbers should be even better than what they were (14 ppg 9 reb in case you were wondering). Maybe they should have, but if this kid does have the drive to get better and be his best self then me putting him all the way down at 12 will look a bit foolish. But with these question marks I have decided to hedge my bets.

13. Gerald Henderson - 3 years at Duke and he finally came into his own. Was a raw athlete when he came out of high school, but now his game is much more polished. Has a great ability to attack the basket and create highlights. A guy who doesn't have any glaring weakness, though his passing can be suspect at times. Can be an immediate contributor off the bench and looks like he will be a little better version of Dahntay Jones.

14. Tyreke Evans - A blue chipper coming out of high school he certainly looked the part at Memphis this year. So why do I have him about 10 spots lower than most scouts? Well there are two major red flags here that I will address. This kid's natural position is not at PG. I don't care if he played there for half a season at Memphis, Evans is just not a PG on the next level. So let's get to the two major red flags. First, he is a shooting guard that can't shoot. His shot just doesn't look right and its inconsistent. Second red flag, he's not a great athlete. Sure he can drive the ball, but what's he gonna do when up against tall NBA athletes. I don't like his chances of finishing the play. He is definitely strong, which is a major reason why he succeeded on the collegiate level, but that alone won't be enough for him in the NBA. So I have him on here with the thinking that he could turn out decent, but more or less I am hedging my bets.

15. DeJuan Blair - This dude is a man. He turned a lot of heads this year with his numbers. Obviously there are some major question marks. One being his size. Yes he measured small for a guy who plays PF (6'6.5") but his wingspan was 7'2" which helps nullify his height concerns. Another big question mark is how long is this kid's career going to be? He has already had two ACL surgeries (one on each knee) and has been said to have no ACL left. Now he wasn't known as being injury prone in college, but you only play 35 games. The NBA could wear this kid's legs to the ground by the time his first contract is up. On the flip side he is in a draft devoid of big men so he will surely be a top 20 pick. He is someone that can come in and rebound well for a team who needs it. Think Paul Millsap, but with a scary injury history.

16. Jrue Holliday - Scouts love this kid man, they really do. Maybe it's because they believe he can be a natural PG and lead his team. I am clearly not that high on him. He didn't show what he could do in college. I would have liked to see him stay another year and run the show, but it was not to be. If he plays PG I think the best thing about him will be his defense. He's long and can be a stopper. Nothing really wows me about his game though. I mean you can't draft a kid in the lottery based on his defense. Maybe the scouts know something I don't but I believe whoever drafts him will end up disappointed.

17. Nick Calathes - Now here is a PG that I like. Calathes averaged 17, 5, and 6, in his sophomore year at Florida. He's 6'5" and a true PG. He has the skills to succeed in the NBA. Reminds me of a much less athletic Rajon Rondo, but with a better J. This is the kind of player you let back up a really good PG for a year or two and then give him the keys to the car because this kid can really play. If put in the right situation, I have no doubt he will show it.

18. Ty Lawson - The John Hollinger creation, Ty Lawson was the reason why the Tar Heels won the championship. Great passer that seldom turns the ball over and can run the floor prettttty quickly. Half court his game can suffer a bit. Put him on a team that likes to run and has some good athletes and shooters and he can succeed on the next level.

19. Wayne Ellington - Another Tar Heel, but one I'm not hearing enough about. Ellington gets lost in the Lawson and Hansbrough talk quite a bit. Initial concerns from scouts were that he was too small and was one-dimensional. Yes the kid can shoot the lights out, but it looks like he started to flesh out his game more this season. He definitely turned scouts off last season when he worked out in the pre-draft workouts, but he made a good decision to come back and work on improving his game. Not only that, but he measured 6'5" officially which should alleviate the size concerns. The kid is a great athlete and shooter and I think he will find his way into a rotation if he keeps working on improving every facet of his game.

20. Jeff Teague - Teague burst onto the scene this season with a bang at Wake Forest. He even lead them to the number 1 ranking this year. It all came crumbling down at that point after too many guys were trying to impress scouts and weren't ready for the spotlight. They got selfish and Teague was no exception. That said he certainly has skills that translate to the NBA. The story its self does worry me though as it already points to character concerns. I don't think this kid will be a starting PG in the league, but will end up a spark plug off the bench in a Louis Williams kind of role. He's still young so he has time to learn, but I wouldn't give this kid the keys to my team.


Brandon Jennings - Curiously missing from my top 20 is punk ass Brandon Jennings. This kid is so all about himself I don't know why any team in the lottery would draft him. He's the same size as Ty Lawson and much skinnier. He is an explosive athlete and reminds me a bit of Iverson with less of a J and less creativity and less heart and less leadership and less...well you get the idea. This kid might end up being a solid player individually, but I can guarantee you right now there is no way this kid will play any role in any of his teams making it to the NBA finals. If you want Wesley Snipes from White Man Can't Jump then be my guest.

Austin Daye - I have watched this kid in a few games and failed to see a pro ball player. I did see skills that could translate such as the height and jump shot, but I didn't see a kid who was committed to getting better. This kid has a chance to be a Trevor Ariza type player but he doesn't have the heart. Here's a name you will forget in 4-5 years.

Tyler Hansbrough - This kid's skills will be lost in translation. Every time I saw this kid matched up with a real NBA prospect he couldn't do anything. He couldn't score, create a good shot, rebound, move even. Just because you are a senior in the draft doesn't make you a safe pick or a guy that can contribute right away. Draft research has shown that it means it is more likely that they will bust. Yes he will work as hard as he can to be in the NBA, but he will never be anything more than a back up and energy guy.

I feel like I just wrote a book. Bring on the criticism. Or save it for 3 years later. Either way, I'm ready.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Year One Review

Here we are with another one of the movie buff's reviews, but before I get into that I would like to talk about the calamity that ensued prior to walking into the theater. So once again I was with Bobby, though I did try to call other people to come I'm pretty sure he called all of our friends and told them not to come. I might have even heard the word "cockblock" come out of his mouth. As it happened, I was forced on another man date with Bobby.

Anyway we met at the theater and decided to get Calvitto's calzones before we went in the movie, which happens to be in the same plaza as the theater itself. The problem here was that the calzones took longer than expected to come out so by the time they did it was a couple minutes past the movie's start time. We hustled over whilst thinking up a plan to smuggle in the goods. I was wearing a t-shirt and tight jeans (as usual) so I was severely limited with what I could carry. Bobby on the other hand had a hoodie on and cargo shorts. Bingo. We found that the calzones were too large to sit inside his hoodie and the front pockets. Then I had an idea that saved the day.
Bobby's hood! YES! So we tried the first calzone in the hood and it fit more than comfortably. Naturally we pushed the envelope and placed the second one in. Like a glove. It was the perfect plan that I had come up with. On top of that, we walked into the theater and the previews were coming to an end, which was best-case scenario as the movie buff hates missing any portion of the movie. I've never even gone to the bathroom when at a movie.

Now let's get into the movie we went to see. Year One stars Jack Black and Michael Cera in the obvious setting of year one. I had high expectations of this movie and it sort of fell flat. There was a few plot holes and at times the movie felt like it was dragging. I thought the cast was good for the most part. All the girls were really hot. There was smaller parts from some guys I really liked in other movies, which I will address.

I can't remember the last good movie Jack Black has been in to be honest. He was ok in this movie. Had some funny parts and certainly knows how to play the fat dumb guy pretty well. Didn't crack me up though.

Michael Cera was pretty funny, doing his usual schtick. I've actually heard people complaining about him playing the same role in every movie, but whatever he's good at it and I enjoy it. I can't imagine him being funnier doing anything else.

The other people in this movie were Paul Rudd, the kid who played McLovin, David Cross (who played the gay guy in Arrested Development, and Hank Azaria. Paul Rudd was only in the movie for one scene which really disappointed me cause he's funny in everything. McLovin was ok, not great. Hank Azaria was definitely funny and added some much needed spark to the movie. David Cross who played Abel was the real scene stealer for me. His constant selling out of people and me first attitude really worked here with some hilarious punch lines. Easily my favorite character in the movie.

At the end of the film I was left feeling like it could have been better. The editing to me was kind of a problem as some parts felt like skits more than parts having to do with the story line. This movie did make me laugh though the funniest parts might have been in the trailer. If you want to see this movie I would recommend waiting for the DVD, but you will laugh when watching it. I give it a 6 out of 10. Slightly above average, but thought it would be better.

Editor's Note: It may or may not have been my idea to smuggle the calzones in the hood of bobby's sweatshirt.