Monday, June 22, 2009

Year One Review

Here we are with another one of the movie buff's reviews, but before I get into that I would like to talk about the calamity that ensued prior to walking into the theater. So once again I was with Bobby, though I did try to call other people to come I'm pretty sure he called all of our friends and told them not to come. I might have even heard the word "cockblock" come out of his mouth. As it happened, I was forced on another man date with Bobby.

Anyway we met at the theater and decided to get Calvitto's calzones before we went in the movie, which happens to be in the same plaza as the theater itself. The problem here was that the calzones took longer than expected to come out so by the time they did it was a couple minutes past the movie's start time. We hustled over whilst thinking up a plan to smuggle in the goods. I was wearing a t-shirt and tight jeans (as usual) so I was severely limited with what I could carry. Bobby on the other hand had a hoodie on and cargo shorts. Bingo. We found that the calzones were too large to sit inside his hoodie and the front pockets. Then I had an idea that saved the day.
Bobby's hood! YES! So we tried the first calzone in the hood and it fit more than comfortably. Naturally we pushed the envelope and placed the second one in. Like a glove. It was the perfect plan that I had come up with. On top of that, we walked into the theater and the previews were coming to an end, which was best-case scenario as the movie buff hates missing any portion of the movie. I've never even gone to the bathroom when at a movie.

Now let's get into the movie we went to see. Year One stars Jack Black and Michael Cera in the obvious setting of year one. I had high expectations of this movie and it sort of fell flat. There was a few plot holes and at times the movie felt like it was dragging. I thought the cast was good for the most part. All the girls were really hot. There was smaller parts from some guys I really liked in other movies, which I will address.

I can't remember the last good movie Jack Black has been in to be honest. He was ok in this movie. Had some funny parts and certainly knows how to play the fat dumb guy pretty well. Didn't crack me up though.

Michael Cera was pretty funny, doing his usual schtick. I've actually heard people complaining about him playing the same role in every movie, but whatever he's good at it and I enjoy it. I can't imagine him being funnier doing anything else.

The other people in this movie were Paul Rudd, the kid who played McLovin, David Cross (who played the gay guy in Arrested Development, and Hank Azaria. Paul Rudd was only in the movie for one scene which really disappointed me cause he's funny in everything. McLovin was ok, not great. Hank Azaria was definitely funny and added some much needed spark to the movie. David Cross who played Abel was the real scene stealer for me. His constant selling out of people and me first attitude really worked here with some hilarious punch lines. Easily my favorite character in the movie.

At the end of the film I was left feeling like it could have been better. The editing to me was kind of a problem as some parts felt like skits more than parts having to do with the story line. This movie did make me laugh though the funniest parts might have been in the trailer. If you want to see this movie I would recommend waiting for the DVD, but you will laugh when watching it. I give it a 6 out of 10. Slightly above average, but thought it would be better.

Editor's Note: It may or may not have been my idea to smuggle the calzones in the hood of bobby's sweatshirt.


  1. Love a good calzone smuggle. Obviously you got the chicken parm.

  2. Ah good, I was pretty upset until I saw that Editor's Note. I honestly can't think of any better idea that I've come up with in years than that.

    And sorry Verdi had to spice it up a bit with the Chicken Fiesta

  3. disclaimer at the bottom of a post usually isnt a good sign. but it still def didnt come from cucumber...sounds nips-esq if you ask me. especially putting somoene else's valuables at risk

  4. Verd I actually mixed it up this time and got a meatball calzone. It was very good.

    And Gary yes it def does sound like a plan hatched by Nips

  5. For an ametuer movie fan your review was pretty spot on. Keep up the good work and you might just join me in buff status.

  6. wow, pretty high praise from the buff himself. I guess good work on the post then zoey
