Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen Review

Here we are with the much awaited sequel of Transformers coming out today. Saw this movie with Sunshine and Bobby today in the IMAX theater. Let me just say that the IMAX theater screen is huge. It is so big that you physically have to swivel your head from left to right to see the whole picture. The sound is quite amazing as well. This is a movie that takes advantage of it big time and I suggest seeing it in the IMAX setting. Trust me it's worth the extra 3 bucks.

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen starts off with Sam Witwicky (Shia Labeouf) going off to college. He and Michaela (hot ass Megan Fox) are dating now and he's moving out of his parent's place and into some school where everybody looks like a model. Let me start by getting into the cast.

I'm a big Shia Labeouf fan. He was the perfect fit for the first one and although he is good in this one, I feel as though he didn't have enough funny parts and was mostly surrounded by action scenes. This baffles me as you would think there would be plenty of time for his quirky humor in a movie that runs two and a half hours long (I know right?). A very small thing to complain about, but I feel as though it would have given the movie a bit more substsance.

Then there's Megan Fox (pictured above). Oh my dear god this girl is too hot to be in movies. I don't know if i have ever said that about anybody before but she really is distractingly hot. Every time she was on screen I couldn't concentrate on anything else going on in the movie. She even has these baywatch type moments of her just running in a tank top. Truly breathtaking.

Shia's college roommate played a big role and he was pretty damn funny. Shia's parents in the movie had an increased role in the comedy, especially the mother who actually surprised me with some laughs. There was one girl that Shia meets at college that was drop dead gorgeous as well (you will know her when you see her). Last there is John Tuturro who played the sector 7 guy in the last one. He is funny as usual. I love him in everything he does, even those Heineken commercials that don't make too much sense. It made me wanna drink a Heineken (though he has nothing on the Dos Equis guy aka the most interesting man in the world).
The movie is filled with action from beginning to end. The story is kind of shallow and loses some points for me, but watching some of the action in this movie is marvelous. A scene comes to mind with the transformers fighting in the woods. Imagine watching a transformer take up all of an 80 foot screen battling each other, easily my favorite part. Michael Bay really knows how to create an action movie.

The bad parts of the movie, and there were bad parts was that there was no character development at all. If you haven't seen the first one you will be lost with who everyone is. Also some of the new characters really just made a negative impact to me. A transformer seductress? Come on man that's lame and felt like a plot hole to me. Also I don't like these new transformers that speak ebonics and are plainly stupid. The story left a lot to be desired.

My final thoughts were that even though the story wasn't the best, the movie entertained me all the way through. The action scenes were epic and you can never have enough Megan Fox. The bottom line is if you liked the first Transformers then you will like this one. The first one was better because the story was better and had a deeper character development (obviously, it was the first one). It's hard to make a sequel better than or even as good as the first one. This one is truly a popcorn flick that should keep you entertained. If you don't get into it then just enjoy the Megan Fox scenes. My final grade is a 7.5 out of 10.


  1. i've purchased dos equis once before at the liquor store strictly becasue of the commercial

  2. Brad aspires to be as cool as the Dos Equis guy.
