Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Hangover Review

So I just saw this movie last night. Everyone who has seen it has said they love it and would see it again so I had to check it out. You can tell what kind of movie it's going to be from the first five minutes. The movie is about a guy who's getting married and his three friends (pictured above) planning him a bachelor party in Vegas a couple days before. Anyway they wake up the next day and can't remember anything and that's when the madness ensues.

Bradley Cooper (the dude in the middle), better known as the Sack from Wedding Crashers is kind of the main character and leader of the group. I thought he was pretty funny, but his job was mostly to facilitate the plot. The comedic parts were leaned on to the two guys adjacent to him. Zach Galifinakis is the fat bearded guy and people seem to think he's really funny. To me his humor is a bit on the dumb childish side, but I am someone that loves smart sarcastic comedy (think Juno) so I already knew he would only get a few snickers from me. The dude with the glasses, who's name I am not looking up, was slightly funnier to me and made me laugh a few times, but I think the cast was lacking someone with a higher level of humor (Jonah Hill comes to mind, the fat kid from Superbad). The funniest character by far was probably on screen for 10 minutes and it was the Asian guy from Knocked Up (played the doctor) and Role Models (the King of Laire). He definitely made me crack up a few times.

All in all it was a decent movie to me. It didn't live up to all the hype it was getting and it's not a movie that is going to stand out to me. There was a few plot holes as well. Year One looks much funnier. If this is your type of humor than I am sure you will enjoy it more than I did, but throughout the movie I was more amused and chuckling than laughing out loud. One more thing I have to mention was that the ending was awesome. 1-10 scale I give it a 6 however fans of this kind of humor might give it an 8.


  1. The dude with glasses is the NARD DOG man. Love me some Andy Bernard.

  2. I'm guessing that's an office reference as I've been told he is in the show. You know how i feel about that show.
