Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Star Trek Review

Just saw the big blockbuster of the summer. Let me start by saying I have never liked any of the old Star Trek movies or shows. Clearly Star Wars was where it was at. So I went into this movie with minimal knowledge of the characters, only knowing that crazy old dude who had a weird/unintentionally funny version of the song Rocket Man at some award show was Captain Kirk and Professor Xavier was the captain on the TV show, which always seemed to be on when I was younger and I hated it. I remember watching like 10 minutes of it once hoping it was something like Star Wars and just remembering nothing happened ever. The only thing I remember from that crappy show is some funny looking white dude who I think was a robot and the black dude who wore space glasses that wrapped around his head (these would later evolve and become a trend known as stunna shades and be acceptable to wear in any setting).
But let's talk about this movie, the NEW Star Trek. I remember seeing this trailer a few months before it came out and thinking, wow that movie doesn't look that bad, too bad it's Star Trek. Then it started marketing itself as the Iron Man of this year (which I loved) and continued to say that "this is not your father's Star Trek" All the right things to say in order to get me to see it. Let me just say I was not disappointed.
The movie is action packed right from the beginning. The action scenes are intense and every scene seems to have you clenching your fists, even the small parts. Visually the movie is quite stunning. Some have called it a space opera. The plot was also very good and left you at the edge of your seat.
Whoever casted this movie did a brilliant job. Chris Pine, who stars as Captain Kirk, oozes charisma. It's really hard not to like him in this movie and reminds me a bit of the iconic Maverick character. Zachary Quinto, who some might recognize from Heroes, plays Spock and plays him well. His character might be the most interesting as he is half human half vulcan which is a race that only acts on logic. Watching his character battle with which side to act on is fascinating and a storyline that evolves throughout the movie. Everybody else did a really good job as well, one that sticks out to me is the young quirky Russian aboard the U.S.S. enterprise.
This is the best movie I have seen this year. I am even considering seeing it again in theaters. I would suggest it to anyone who likes movies in the action/thriller genre and if you thought it looked like a good movie from the trailers, i can assure you it is. There are three big movies coming out this summer that may have a chance of one-upping it, but I'm not sure they can. The Three movies I speak of are Transformers 2 (the first one was awesome), G.I. Joe, and the comedy Funny People. I don't know if those movies can top this one, but what I do know is Star trek surpassed my expectations and is the type of franchise that will command 2 more sequels. 1-10 scale I give it a 10.


  1. What about your boy in Terminator 4?

  2. your way to obsessed with star trek

  3. Terminator 4 looks like a rental to me. the reviews aren't strong.
